Friday, 3 June 2011

"give us this day, our daily bread"...5

                                                         The Spirit-Life Coach
Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions as seen in the Sabbath Days we intend to launch into the deep as it relates to our rest in the God who is more than enough for our needs. We look into His heart full of love for us and into His hands full of works done to meet our needs. For He said “touch my hands and see the holes in there”. The holes came because He would provide for us…because of this we can look to Him and say…’give us this day, our daily bread’…and then go rest…knowing that those hands have gone to work…on our behalf.

                                            'GIVE US THIS DAY,OUR DAILY BREAD..'!..5

Exo 16:15  And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat.
Exo 16:16  This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents.
Exo 16:17  And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less.
Exo 16:18  And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating.

The Lord gave them manna. The Lord rained it down upon them from heaven. He also gave them the rules bordering on this divine provision “Let everyone take just what is enough for him or her according to their families”. In other words Jehovah told them not to gather for storage. They were specifically commanded not to leave of it until the next day.

Here we see once more the will of God relating to our financial prosperity and the supply of our needs. It’s always one issue per-time. We see the Lord here seeking to destroy one of the firmest bases for poverty in our lives. It is the stronghold which spells s.c.a.r.c.i.t.y. The mentality of scarcity is the real demon behind the love of money. It is the reason why leaders steal. It is the reason why workers are dishonest to their bosses and to the companies they work for. It is the reason why armed robbers kill and deprive people of their possessions. All men have this mindset that what is most needed is never enough to go round, so we all scramble for the “scarce resources”.

Even when it goes round sometimes, we still secretly nurse the fear that ‘it will soon finish’. So we plan to hide away as much as we can! Some hide so much that what they have hidden away may last for two or three generations. That was the stronghold that took hold of Achan’s mind. He hid away some of the treasures of Jericho but that action eventually destroyed him and his family.

God does not want His children to be bound by this enemy of man. God is a large God who gives us all things freely to enjoy. He is an abundant God who gives us all and what we need. His own economy is built on the reality of His abundant provisions while the economy of man in every nation of the world is built on the management “of scarce resources”.

The concept of the management of scarce resources is one of the reasons we have poor and rich fellows in society.  God wants us to basically look on Him for our sustenance and to be satisfied with what He gives. But when our fears get in the way and we begin to do a lot of things in order to help ourselves out we end up making a mess of God’s plan for our lives. (Please note that I’m not here saying believers should not work but must stay in their homes waiting for manna from heaven, kindly follow the teachings through please).

Now, what God wants to do is for us to face our fears. You don’t overcome when you don’t face your fears. Life arranges the needs but God requires us for us to do contrary to what the sons of this world would do so that He could meet our needs. He wants us to trust Him without reservations.

If we must overcome lack and poverty we must confront our fears of poverty. The richest man is not one who has billions in his bank account, the richest man is one who has God as His banker and one who cashes out currency from the vaults of heaven.

The truth is that when the Lord returns, He is going to change the foundations of human knowledge which governs the human society today. The principles of personal, national and international economics will be totally altered. This is why I believe the Lord wants us to begin to learn the principle of depending on the Lord and being care-free about tomorrow.

The Lord says not to worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of the things of itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.

We shall not just jump into the millennium. The church will walk with God until we come into the millennium of Christ. The BRIDE MUST MAKE HERSELF READY, then Jesus Christ will come. He won’t come before we are ready, He will come at the instance of our readiness.. One of the ways in which we make ourselves ready is by overcoming the fear of poverty. It is by overcoming the fear of scarcity.

When man fell, he came into duality. The concept of duality invaded the mind and spirit of man and the world. The concept of duality allowed for no absolutes based on the Divine command and desires. The governance of man became fashioned by what he thought out to be good or to be evil. It must be of man. It must be good to us if it must be good at all.

That has been the basis of our education from birth till death. Scarcity and its management has been one of the results of our thinking. Our cunning or wise thinking is known as philosophy. The title PhD means Doctor of Philosophy. This title is given to men who give themselves to research and who think on the problems of the human society and who proffer solutions to them. They are our best minds in all areas of human endeavor.  They were the ones who established and institutionalised the concept of scarcity of resources into the consciousness of the human society. they were not the ones who originated it, but they made it into a religion.

As fallen men themselves they are controlled by the passions and limitations of all men. The best result they may get is one which is primary to all men who hold the nature of fallen Adam. They cannot see behind the veil. They cannot understand the principles of our Kingdom. The best they can do is dress the corpse and perfume its body, they cannot give life. They do not have life.

God does not want us to be governed by these reasoning of men. “Look at the grass of the field, I tell you even Solomon is not as well clothed as even one of them. Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow nor reap, neither do they store anything up for tomorrow and yet your heavenly Father provides for them. Are you not worth much more than these?....why then do you take thoughts in your hearts saying; what shall we eat and what shall we drink and how are we going to get clothed”? If that’s what we indulge in, the Lord calls us persons of little faith.


THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.


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