Tuesday, 31 May 2011

"give us this day...our daily bread"...3

                                                       The Spirit-Life Coach
Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions as seen in the Sabbath Days we intend to launch into the deep as it relates to our rest in the God who is more than enough for our needs. We look into His heart full of love for us and into His hands full of works done to meet our needs. For He said “touch my hands and see the holes in there”. The holes came because He would provide for us…because of this we can look to Him and say…’give us this day, our daily bread’…and then go rest…knowing that those hands have gone to work…on our behalf.

                                    'GIVE US THIS DAY,OUR DAILY BREAD..'!..3

                                                                                            The definition of the ‘day’
We have been working on the premise that the Lord wants us to look to the Father concerning our needs. Jesus said that we should pray to the Father to give us this day our daily bread.

When He said this He had graduated meanings of the word 'day' in mind. He had more than the 24hour day in mind. If these were not so our building projects, school fees for our children and other important issues in our lives that would require financial commitments spanning further than the 24hour need would not be covered by the Lord’s prayer!

Having said that we must know that basically, the principles of the Lord’s Prayer underscores contentment and faith and dependence on the loving heart of the Father to provide for us. He is the God that knows us and knows that we have need of these things. That whether the need is for the 24 hour day or one that stretches beyond that, the Lord will provide for us and meet them all the same.

The twenty-four hour day
“And the evening and the morning were the first day”
                                                Gen 1 :5
“And the evening and the morning were the second day”.
                                                Gen 1:8
“And the evening and the morning were the third day”
                                                Gen 1:13
From the verses above we can see that the first definition of the day is the 24 hour period. The 24 hour period consists of night and day. The new day started after sunset in the ancient Hebrew world. In modern times we start the new day in the morning, that is, at dawn.

The seasonal day

The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.
For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:”
                                                Isa 2:11

“And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious”.
                                                Isa 11:10 
This is another type of day that goes beyond the 24 hour day. The passage in Isaiah 2:11 talks about the day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord is a prophetic time frame when the Lord Himself begins to judge the earth and cleanse His church in preparation for His coming and reigning over the Kingdoms of this world.

The passage in Isaiah 11:10 speaks of the first coming of the Lord Jesus and His ministry in the earth.

These two time schedules have no time or hourly frame or weekly duration to them, even if it does, we know it more appropriately relates to a time frame when certain things on the divine agenda ought to have been accomplished. In other words there are needs in our lives that do not relate to time but which relates to certain seasons and periods when certain things on the divine agenda in our lives must have been done.
With this definition we can already see that a day could stretch more than the 24 hour day.

For example a wedding period is a time frame of which the planning and ceremonies last longer than the 24 hour daily need; there would be so many mouths to feed than our day to day requirement. A season of building construction; may be of a church or of our own houses is also another good example. The entire family may want to travel after a year’s hard work; that stretches more than the  hour day. All of these are covered in the prayer of Jesus.

A thousand years!

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”.
                                                            2Pe 3:8
Of course we know that none of us would live for a thousand years, that will have to wait until the millennium! But then this passage underscores the point that in the omnipotence of God, a day is just like a thousand years. He can take care of the needs of a day as well as those of a thousand years if that’s what our situation requires.

For however long the need may stretch we know that the Lord can handle the issue. Most importantly He will want us to depend on Him. Whatever the case may be with us, the message of Jesus must not be lost on us; the Lord is really saying; "one day at a time"; "One issue at a time". Even where it stretches beyond the twenty-four hour need, do not begin to wonder and worry and say, "now I have a land, how in the world am I going to get money to raise the building on it? And even after I have raised the building how on earth am I going to get it furnished with every home requirements"!

Sufficient for the day or for the season or for the hour is the evil thereof.

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

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