Tuesday, 9 August 2011


"build an ark"!

I have taken some time off my writings on this forum partly because the Lord led me to wait on Him concerning some things about my own life and ministry. So I have been sort of inside for some time now. However the things that the Lord revealed to me are much more than issues bordering on my life and work for the Lord. The Lord revealed urgent things to me that His people and every other person that would hear His words need to give heed to. These are the reasons why I have decided to share some of these things using my blog.

Heb 11:7  By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

The following passage gives a more inside detail to the reason why Noah built the Ark. When Noah got the word of the Lord of a coming destruction in the earth he began to build the Ark following the detailed instructions of the Lord. The Bible is telling us here that he had the saving of His family in mind.

The Lord tells me that in the coming days and months the saving of our family members’ physical lives shall be greatly dependent on how we respond to His instructions just like Noah did of old.

What the Lord told me about the year 2012.

The year 2012 will be a year of great destruction to many of the citizens of the earth. This is because the spirit of RUIN and GREAT WICKEDNESS has been released on the earth. There shall be no geographical safe-havens. There shall be nowhere to run to. There shall be great destruction of life and properties. Many of the monuments of the earth; whether economically, socially, religiously or otherwise shall be visited by the spirit of wickedness which shall bring to ruin many people. There shall be many loss of lives.  There shall be much agonizing by many people in the earth beginning from this year two thousand and twelve.

This shall be a sword doing two things at the same time. It shall visit the wrath of the serpent on the sons of disobedience (knowing that his time is short) and at the same time bring about the beginning of the wrath of the Day of the Lord on all the earth.

Previously uncommon acts of great wickedness shall be demonstrated by man aided by demonic spirits. The rebellion of man to God shall begin to get to the realms of full measure. The resultant effects of this coming of age will see anger and wildness revealed in a way that even the previously wicked shall be amazed.

Great changes shall come to physical earth also as there shall be great shakings and moving of the earth which shall cause great earthquakes in some places.

The Lord says His people should bring forth their shields of faith. These are our weapon of defense. The Lord also says His people should begin to lay hold on prayers TO THE SAVING OF THEIR FAMILIES LIKE NOAH DID. These are not flippant days.

These are the days of great seriousness when the Lord’s people must PAY GREAT ATTENTIONS TO HIS DIRECTIONS for their lives. Lastly the Lord also says we must begin to line up our lives with His standard. We must begin to lay down THE SIN AND THE WEIGHT AND ALL THE SINS THAT EASILY BESET US and constantly judge ourselves so that we may not be condemned with the world.

The Lord says the days are gone when His people are only known by their ‘say so’ or confessions. He says for many to be ‘saved’ from these impending terrors they must line up their lives with God and with His word. For many there be whose ways shall directly lead them into judgment.

These are the best ways I could put the things which I saw and heard. I know that for many that fear His name in these days that burn like an oven shall THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARISE WITH HEALING IN HIS WINGS. Amen. 

Friday, 22 July 2011

                                                           THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH
Our present study is an attempt to bring to my readers an understanding of the final preparation of the Bride of Christ which are the hidden truth in the book of Revelation. 

                                                       SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS 4

Some examples of the symbols representations of the Book of Revelation

For example we see the Lord Jesus Christ represented or SIGNIFIED or SYMBOLISED by a Lamb slain having seven eyes. Another example of the symbolic nature of the book is the appearance of the Lord Himself walking in the midst of the seven Golden Candlesticks. This is Christ in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle of Moses. The Holy Place is the residence of the Church for it refers to Pentecost when the Church was born. The seven Golden Candlesticks represent the Church and its light giving ministry.

These are some of the details we shall be examining as we go on in the study.

The book of revelation details the journey of the Bride from salvation to perfection. It also details the events that will take place in the saints and in the world and in the earth as we go through the final stages of Adam’s lease before the Lord comes to establish His Kingdom in the earth and take full residence in His saints.

In our studies we shall divide the book into some 2 major places. These two major divisions are

1. Revelation chapters 1 to 12 and

2. Revelation chapters 13 to 22.

Furthermore we shall divide the first 12 chapters into four places.
1.       the appearance of the Lord in chapter 1
2.       the message to the Seven Churches chapters 2-5
3.       the Seven Seals and the Seven Trumpets  chapters 6-11
4.       the Manchild chapter 12


Rev 1:3  Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand

The Lord surely wants His people to read the book and He thus sets forth the blessedness of him/her that ‘readeth’.

The Church in the most part has thought that the places where God’s promises are written in the bible are the only avenues of blessings. So a believer would rather read the Psalms than read the book of revelation for example. But contrary to what we think the Lord is has reserved blessings for all those who read the book and do the instructions in the book. And in any case ALL scripture has been given to us that we may be complete, thoroughly furnished and prepared unto every good work. 2Tim3:16


In the beginning of the history of the Church we see the mantle of leadership falling on Peter. Some part of the gospel like the Gospel of Mark was said to be dictated by Peter. It was Peter that led the Church in the very trying times of the great contentions of Church with established Judaism. They were beaten, imprisoned and even killed for their witness to the Messiaship of the Lord Jesus and as witnesses of Hs resurrection.

The church however grew in power and in great grace despite these persecutions. From the day of Pentecost through the revival in Samaria even unto the spread to Antioch when the gospel was preached only to the Jews in the Gentile city, Peter’s ministry and leadership held sway.

It was under his leadership that the first witness of the power and the life of Christ were shown forth to the world through the disciples.

Peter apostleship oversaw the beginnings of the planting of the Kingdom of God in the earth.

In the latter part of the Church ministry in the book of Acts of the Apostles we see the mantle of leadership falling on Paul. This Paul was first introduced to us as Saul the great persecutor of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. He personally supervised the execution of Stephen the disciple. But then the Lord took a hold of him and He became the great apostle of the faith which he once destroyed.

It was through the ministry of Paul that the gospel spread to the Gentiles with great surges of the waves of power and glory. Right from Antioch even to Illyricum, to Spain and to Rome this man labored through the grace of God more than any man else since the Lord Himself 1Cor 15:10. He spent and was spent in the labors to bringing the kingdom of God into the hearts of men.

All the great landmark doctrines of Christianity were taught, written and established by Paul. From our confessions of the Jesus as Lord whereby we become citizens of the kingdom, to the doctrine of justification by faith even unto the demonstrations of the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit even up to the end-time reconciliation re-gathering of the Jews unto faith in the Lord we see Paul’s pen dipping with his understanding of the great mysteries of Christ.

Paul takes us within the veil to unveil before us the great ministry which Jesus carried on as He ascended to the Temple of God in heaven (Heb 1-13). He wrote 23 chapters of the bible.

Paul grew so much in the grace of God to the place where he could not be killed until he offered up his life to be poured out for the cause of Christ. He died empty, the last place he lived being in a rented apartment in Rome.

Paul’s apostleship oversaw the adolescent season of the Church

John was the closest to the Lord as it is shown in the gospels. He was the disciple that rested his head upon Jesus chest. John showed forth for a number of years in Jerusalem. We see Him in the upper room and at the gate called beautiful where the lame was gloriously healed. However John soon drops out of the scene. It was obvious that the next man of prominence after Peter was Paul.

After the deaths of both Peter and Paul the ministry of John came into prominence. By A.D 63 Paul had been beheaded in Rome and Peter was crucified downward on a cross a short time afterwards.

By this time certain satanic doctrines had crept into the Church and some parts of the Church had lost their focus and the boisterous faith-life of the former years. Worldliness and earthly mindedness had taken over in a great many churches.  The adolescent Church losing direction had become lukewarm.
There arose the need in heaven for the man to take the church into perfection. This man would remove the dross from the silver, to purify the gold in the fire and take the Bride of Christ into the Holiest.

The burden of the work fell on John.

To John there was no dividing line. You either stand with Christ or fall to Satan. John says, “little children, let no man deceive you, he that DOETH righteousness is righteous and he that sins is of the devil for the devil sins from the beginning” 1John 3:8.

He also says “he that sins has not known Him”. John goes further to say “he that is born of God does not sin, he CANNOT SIN because the seed of God abides in Him”

The ministry of John takes the Church to the Seventh Trumpet…”and in the days of the voice of the Seventh Angel when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as He has revealed to His servants the prophets”. This ends the age-long quest for the coming of the Kingdom and God’s total indwelling of us.

John, the beloved apostle hands the Bride (the Church) to the Groom (the Lord Jesus). For this reason his letters are of the utmost importance to the Church today.

This is because the same conditions that pervaded the Church in the days of John are here again. 

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Spirit-Life Coach

Spirit-Life Coach
Our present study is an attempt to bring to my readers an understanding of the final preparation of the Bride of Christ which are the hidden truth in the book of Revelation. 

                                            SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS 3

I think it would do us a whole world of good if we could just get back to the beginning of the book. That is to go back to the very first chapter.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Although we may not be entirely wrong to name John the apostle as the author of the book, but then based on context it would be better to call this book the revelation of Jesus Christ.
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:”
                                                                                    Rev 1:1 
You know that sometimes we do not consider some aspects of the word of God as important and worthy of note. However the truth is that every part of the word is important. For example you will see in the writings of Paul that he started some of his letters with greetings such as …”to them that be in Rome, called to be saints” Rom 1:7. Within the first three verses he makes a lot of profound statements even touching on the resurrection of our Lord. If we hurry and are harried to the body of the letters we may not be able to make the most of the intent of the Lord in giving us the document. Some of the things we regard as mere preambles may hold secrets of unlocking the body we are in such a hurry to get into. You remember the Lord is called the alpha and omega, He is as interested in the beginning as much as He is in the end.
Having said that, we can see the preambles of the book of Revelation also holds some secrets which would unlock the entire book to us.
Let us consider these secrets based on the first three verses of the book as quoted above.
2.       God, the Father gave it to Him
3.       The purpose of this revelation is so that the servants or DISCIPLES of the Lord would be able to understand certain important things that are important to God and that He wants to let them in on.
4.       The Lord Jesus Christ SENT and SIGNIFIED it through the HANDS OF AN ANGEL: this means He sent an angel to communicate His words THROUGH THE SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE OF SIGNS AND SYMBOLS
5.       The angel was sent to SIGNIFY it to HIS SERVANT John. This angel did that by using the spiritual language of signs
We can make certain deductions from these truths outlined above. They are:
1.       This book is so important to the Father that He had to personally commit the message in it to the hands of the Son.
2.       This book is also of such importance that it was given to the servant of the Lord with the stature of John the apostle. This is not because John was an apostle but because of the place that he occupied in the heart of the master. He was certainly the closest to the Lord among the twelve
3.       The book unravels the plans of God in the future as this age closes and would also help us to accurately interpret the things that had gone on before our time.
4.       The book is a book of SIGNS. The word sign here is not in relation to signs and wonders of the miraculous but of SIGNS that ENCODE or rather EXPLAIN a succession of events or activities without the use of words. For example when you beckon to someone to ‘come over here!’, there is a way you could wave your hands to make the person understand that you want him or her to come over to you without breathing a syllable.

The greatest difficulty of genuine children of God relating to the understanding of the book is with decoding the SIGN and SYMBOLS nature of the revelation. But then we must know that those symbols are easy to understand when one is well acquainted with one’s bible.
Albert Einstein says God doesn’t play dice with the universe. God’s ways are orderly. He is also consistent in His interpretations of themes issues and events. One thing will hardly be ‘this’ at this time and ‘another thing’ at another time.  We must also follow His patterns. We cannot just say this means ‘that’ just because we feel so. We can’t just say this refers to ‘that’ just because we think, ‘logically that’s the way it should be’. We have to be guided by God’s principles of what those signs and symbols represent.
God also has not hidden the meanings in the air. He hasn’t left the meanings to human imaginations to try fathom out. He has put them in the bible. The amazing thing we will discover is that John wrote all those things using the words already revealed in the books of the Law, those revealed to other prophets in the bible and those contained in the section of the Old Testament known as the writings. Those are books such as the Psalms, Ecclesiastes and the Songs of Solomon. It is also good to know that some of the symbols of the book represent the literal words of Jesus that were contained in the gospels.
You know why? Because the God that revealed those things to the ancients was the one that revealed the contents of the book of Revelation to the apostle. The language of the Old Testament remains His language still. So we can’t just jump into the book and begin to make deductions when we have not first understood and known and in fact acquainted ourselves with how the signs and symbols that were used to pass the message across were used in the first place in the Old Testament.
Now the book was written to the disciple. The disciple is one who follows the DISCIPLINE of Christ. A disciple is one whose life and total pursuits are contained in Christ. So for the disciple it’s not too much of a grievous work to familiarize his or herself with the total counsel of God in the entire scripture.
I shall state some of the examples in the next article.

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Our present study is an attempt to bring to my readers an understanding of the final preparation of the Bride of Christ which are the hidden truth in the book of Revelation. 

                                                                        SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS 2


It was called the revelation because it was the dramatic but full demonstration of the answer of Jesus in what today is famously known as the 'Olivet discourse'. So for you to know about this book you had to know about the Olivet Discourse.

What happened at the Mount of Olives?

Mat 24:1  And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
Mat 24:2  And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
Mat 24:3  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

 Did you read the above scripture?
Yes. Jesus was at Jerusalem in the final week before His death burial and resurrection. There were great thoughts in the Lord’s heart already about the Grand Plan of the ages. The Lord meditated on this but His disciples’ heart were far from his. They were admiring their place of worship, the great Temple of Solomon as reconstructed by Herod. And they made Jesus know some history about the Temple. You should know that the Lord was only about thirty-three years of age as at the time. So he had some learning to do from them! They took Him on a tour of the Temple. It’s like you would take a friend who was visiting on some tour around the major iconic buildings of your city or town. The temple of course was the highest Jewish pride.

It was said that when Herod did a reconstruction of that Temple, he ensured that they put a block down and a sheet of gold over it before they mounted the next block or stone. So in-between each set of two stones was a sheet of gold from bottom up! That made some glitter when the sun shinned on it in the day. It was pure beauty.

Jesus shocked them “…guys I tell you, this temple is already marked up for destruction. It’s coming down. And when it did, not one stone would be left on the other! By the time the destroyers would finish with it the average person would not even know that this (Temple) has been here”.

They were very alarmed at this. They knew Jesus was a prophet. If He said it, it was going to surely come to pass. The issue would now be when?
So they asked the question and something even deeper that surely had been in their hearts before this time…when is the Temple destruction going to happen? Sir what shall be the sign of your coming…when exactly is this world as we know it going to end and your kingdom come?

You know they asked three major questions. Can you remember them?...1. when will the destruction of the Temple as prophesied by the Lord take place? What will be the sign that they may look upon to know that His coming the second time was near? And when will the world end.

The answers that the Lord gave to them were the basis for the revelation of John. This is a major key in understanding the book of revelation. If you don’t get this you will keep groping in the dark.

A careful consideration of Matthew twenty four reveals that those are what's contained and further explained in the Book of Revelation.

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Sealed with Seven Seals 1

Our present study is an attempt to bring to my readers an understanding of the final preparation of the Bride of Christ which are the hidden truth in the book of Revelation. 

                                                         SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS 1

There has been some sort of decision making going on in my mind since we finished the last subject on the SPIRIT-LIFE COACH. I refer to the one titled “give us this day our daily bread”. I’d been thinking on what next we are going to be studying or rather that I shall be writing upon. Two major themes were going on in my mind. They are “Water, Spirit and Fire” and , “Sealed with Seven Seals”. Water Spirit and Fire is a fantastic revelation that speaks of the three major baptisms that this earth, the world and in fact the believer would have to go through in order for us to come into a state of perfect cleansing, an administration which would usher in the return of our Lord. It is premised on the baptism of water, the baptism of the Spirit and the baptism of fire. It is a fantastic message which I itch to minister about. But then as I awoke this very early morning (2 a.m Nigerian time July 6th, 2011)I knew I would not be writing on that topic. I knew I should be writing on the topic “Sealed with Seven Seals”.

This topic is the major theme of the book of Revelation. You know the book in the original Greek is called apocalupsis. It is from this word that we have the word apocalyptic. We can safely say the book is filled with apocalyptic events. Don’t let that word throw you, it only and simply means, “Revelation”. It is a book given to REVEAL and UNVEIL the Lord of Lord and King of Kings and His Bride and the process of how He will bring her into rule in His coming Kingdom.

I have been preaching for very well close to twenty three years now. One of the rules that I have is the ability to know topics in the word of God that I am uncomfortable with relating to my ability to teach fairly deeply and simply on. The subject of the book of Revelation was not one of such that I knew I was incapable of instructing people on. And for many years I have avoided it. Even in our bible schools I had only given them to ‘the specialists’. That is those who know about how the anti-Christ would come and who would be his father and what skin color he would likely come in! lol. So I avoided the book like a plaque.

But then I knew the book was very important. So I made sure the students were taught but not by me! I was also pretty confused about mid, post or pre millennial tribulation and whether it would meet us in the earth or not. Summarily, I contracted it out.

But then way back in 1999 I had an encounter with the Lord which began to prepare my heart for the understanding of this great book. I won’t be able to share the subject of my encounter with the Lord here so it won’t take us off the course of our discourse. Suffice it for us to know that what I began to gather eventually led me to a gradual but sure understanding of the book. And then I began to know that the book of revelation is not and will never be about the revelation of the anti-Christ but about the revelation of the CHRIST IN US THE HOPE OF GLORY!

It was a new dawn. Light came. And with the coming in of that light came great understanding. I no longer dread the book. I now know it is in fact the final and complete revelation of the preparation of the Bride of Christ for His coming. And of the events that will take place in HIS BRIDE and in the earth prior to His coming.


You cannot begin to talk about a revelation except a matter has previously been concealed. You cannot begin to talk about an unveiling except a thing had previously been veiled.
So why is the book called THE REVELATION? It is because it answered the question and quest for the end and final purpose of God for Mankind. In it the quest that was started in man from the very beginning was brought into the manifestation through this revelation of Christ.

For you to understand this topic you have to know the heart and the passions of the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to understand that they didn’t seek what today has become the very heart and drive of our pursuits. They knew that Christ came for a Kingdom and they were interested in when that Kingdom would come. They were interested in when that Kingdom would begin to rule in the earth. You also have to know that those men had a passion for Jesus (and not for things) that is so unusual in our world today. You also have to know that those men didn’t care a bit for who made the most dollars or who had the best car in the neighborhood. Their passion was their Lord. This is the spirit you have to have if you must understand this book. If you do not have this spirit all you will ever see here will be the devil and anti Christ and pre, mid or post tribulation rapture which “I am sorry to say” (a regular expression in my country) has nothing to do with the main thrust of the book. You would be like a man who was invited to dinner but who never ate the food but who was rather preoccupied by how nice the furniture he sat upon is. He never eats the food. It’s there hidden in plain sight but he doesn’t even know it.

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

                                                             The Spirit-Life Coach
Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions as seen in the Sabbath Days we intend to launch into the deep as it relates to our rest in the God who is more than enough for our needs. We look into His heart full of love for us and into His hands full of works done to meet our needs. For He said “touch my hands and see the holes in there”. The holes came because He would provide for us…because of this we can look to Him and say…’give us this day, our daily bread’…and then go rest…knowing that those hands have gone to work…on our behalf.


                                                 'GIVE US THIS DAY,OUR DAILY BREAD..'!..9

Looking at the laws of the Sabbath we see that the Lord commanded Israel to rest on the Seventh Day of the week. Six days the Lord says you shall work and on the Seventh Day you shall rest. No manner of work shall be done on the Seventh Day.

There were other Sabbath periods also in Israel when the children of Israel were not supposed to do any manner of work such as the Day of Jubilee. The Lord commanded Israel to count forty-nine years from the year of their entrance into the land, the fiftieth year is the year of Jubilee. On that year the people must not do any manner of work.

Lev 25:10  And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.
Lev 25:11  A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed.

Now, on the Sabbath Day and in the year of Jubilee the Lord commanded them not to plant nor to reap. In other words, “don’t do your regular business”! In fact at Jubilee, the harvest of the forty-ninth year was enough for them on the fiftieth year when they didn’t plant and on the fifty-first year when they were supposed to be reaping or harvesting that which they planted on the fiftieth.

Lev 25:20  And if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase:
Lev 25:21  Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years.
Lev 25:22  And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old store

The sense I am trying to get to you is that the Lord is able to provide way ahead of time for our needs that spans beyond the daily need. This helps us to put confidence in God as our able provider. Whether the need is daily or a need for project the Lord is always able to meet them.


THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

"give us this day our daily bread..." 8

                                                              The Spirit-Life Coach
Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions as seen in the Sabbath Days we intend to launch into the deep as it relates to our rest in the God who is more than enough for our needs. We look into His heart full of love for us and into His hands full of works done to meet our needs. For He said “touch my hands and see the holes in there”. The holes came because He would provide for us…because of this we can look to Him and say…’give us this day, our daily bread’…and then go rest…knowing that those hands have gone to work…on our behalf.


Exo 16:22  And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses.
Exo 16:23  And he said unto them, This is that which the LORD hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.
Exo 16:24  And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein.
Exo 16:25  And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day is a sabbath unto the LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field.

We have been teaching on the commandment of Jesus on not fretting about tomorrow. In the Lord’s model prayer He laid down the principles of Divine provisions.

 The Lord says we ought to pray, “give us this day our daily bread”. And in another place He urged His listeners not to fret about tomorrow; “for sufficient for the day is the evil thereof”. We should not begin to think what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewith shall we be clothed? He tells us “…for after these things do the Gentiles seek…for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of these things…but seek ye the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall e added unto you”.

Looking at our realities in the modern world we may want to think that the exhortation of the Lord about the daily provisions of our needs may not really apply to us. This is because we realize that there are certain things whose provisions stretch beyond that of the daily expectations. So in those cases how do I still please the Lord when this particular need goes beyond the daily provision?

This is why we have gone over to the book of Exodus, to the beginning of the daily provisions which the Lord Himself gave to His people. The Lord came to fulfill the Law and not to abolish it. So whatever teaching the Lord gave or whatever deeds He performed were done in order for him to fulfill that which has been written in the Law and the Prophets.

In the principles of the provisions of the manna for His people in the wilderness Jehovah said they must gather daily that which every family needed and they must gather nothing over and above their daily requirements every single day. And that had been the order and practice until just a few days later.

On Friday, that week; the people went and gathered manna double what they had previously measured out at other days. So the supervising elders reported the case to Moses. Moses wasn’t surprised He said something like, “yeah, that is correct, you gather double your normal rations today so that you won’t have to go out tomorrow. You may cook some, fry some and keep some until the next day. You remember tomorrow is the Sabbath and no one is supposed to do any manner of work. In any case even if you went out tomorrow there won’t be any manna to gather”


This means, when the challenge at hand goes beyond the needs of a day, He is also there to provide for it.
We need to understand that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. And as such He is able to make provisions to cover the needs that stretch beyond the day! 

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

                                                       The Spirit-Life Coach
Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions as seen in the Sabbath Days we intend to launch into the deep as it relates to our rest in the God who is more than enough for our needs. We look into His heart full of love for us and into His hands full of works done to meet our needs. For He said “touch my hands and see the holes in there”. The holes came because He would provide for us…because of this we can look to Him and say…’give us this day, our daily bread’…and then go rest…knowing that those hands have gone to work…on our behalf.


                                             'GIVE US THIS DAY,OUR DAILY BREAD..'!..7

Exo 16:15  And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat.
Exo 16:16  This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents.
Exo 16:17  And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less.
Exo 16:18  And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating.

Some more, some less! But no lack!

Looking at the records in Exodus 16:15-18; the children of Israel, out of the fear of scarcity, gathered more than they needed for their families in disobedience to the word of the Lord through Moses. I imagine a man coming out of his tent to gather manna. They each bring out big empty sacks to take huge measures of manna in. That was just in case Jehovah forgot to rain down some manna the next day. In that case they would have some to more to eat and what more, they could even sell to others when the manna famine came!

That was not the purpose of God. The purpose of God was for them to gather daily. We have already said that in this study over and over again. But then I think it won’t hurt for us to say it over and over. This is because as it relates to the meeting of our needs this is one of the strongholds that has taken charge on the grounds of our mind and has denied us the peace that we have needed so much. 

Now when they brought the manna home they measured it and they discovered that they had no additions over their neighbors’ daily collection. Those who had some regrets because they felt they didn’t take enough also on measuring found out that they had no shortage. That was obviously a miracle!

It was a miracle teaching us a lesson that eventually whatever we may gather whether by our labors, genius and expertise at the end of the day may not necessarily give us more than is basic to man. for example we may not need more than a nice piece of suit for an outing; we may also not need more than our bed space to sleep on, neither would we drive two cars at a time. The useless extra that we keep apart is the reason why the leveler shows up. The leveler is the Divine or Satanic instrument that comes to show man that man is still man.
It comes to show us that we cannot go too far outside of the laws of God.

The leveler shows up in different ways and in different places. You remember the rich farmer? The man just had a bumper harvest. He gathered it into his barns and prepared himself for life-long enjoyment. But then the leveler came around, that night! And with a loud boom, “thou fool”, his life was cut short.

This was not a lesson in austerity. It was rather a teaching on gathering for oneself without being rich towards God.

The left-overs that stank

After they had measured and had discovered that the result of all measurement was the same, some of them still left some manna for the next day. But do you know what happened? The ones they left over bred worms the next day. And it stank.

Exo 16:19  And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning.
Exo 16:20  Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them.

The lesson must be learned: “fret not about tomorrow”. If you have the capacity to get ‘daily bread’ in advance of a hundred years that’s all well and good; if there seems to be obvious lack that threatens tomorrow’s provisions, do not fret! Your heavenly Father is more than enough. He is not out of business now and He is not planning to be.

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Spirit-Life Coach: "give us this day, our daily bread"...6

Spirit-Life Coach: "give us this day, our daily bread"...6: " The Spirit-Life Coach Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions..."

"give us this day, our daily bread"...6

                                                         The Spirit-Life Coach
Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions as seen in the Sabbath Days we intend to launch into the deep as it relates to our rest in the God who is more than enough for our needs. We look into His heart full of love for us and into His hands full of works done to meet our needs. For He said “touch my hands and see the holes in there”. The holes came because He would provide for us…because of this we can look to Him and say…’give us this day, our daily bread’…and then go rest…knowing that those hands have gone to work…on our behalf.


                                         'GIVE US THIS DAY,OUR DAILY BREAD..'!..6

I will like us to back-up a little to the earlier verses of the passage we in the last edition of the message.

Exo 16:15  And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat.
Exo 16:16  This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents.
Exo 16:17  And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less.
Exo 16:18  And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating.

Moses said, this is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat. You will see that in Exodus 16;15

This is one serious matter I pray the Lord helps all His servants and children to understand. It centers on KNOWING THE BREAD IN SEASON. We must know what the Lord is giving to us at any particular season of our lives otherwise we run the risk of murmuring and complaining against God and then bringing upon our own lives destructive forces which may consume our finances and even that which we have on ground.

Identifying that which the Lord is giving to us for now will help us keep calm in the face of temptations to steal or to disobey God in some other ways in order to get a hold of what surely He has not provided.

Most of our problems today have arisen from the false application of the believer’s authority. While I agree that we have spiritual powers which may be activated by using the name of Jesus I will also like to submit to the fact that that authority stops where the will of the Lord for our lives at the moment stops. Most believers have not realized this.

We have falsely been taught that God will do whatever we want anytime we want it as long as we wield the mention of the name. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Remember when the Lord Jesus was with the people in the wilderness? He wanted to feed the people. Did you notice that He only multiplied that which the Lord supplied and that He did not create varieties of dishes? The disciples saw a child with his lunch pack; to them that was so insufficient to even be counted on to meet the need at hand. But then the Lord saw it as that which His heavenly Father has graciously provided.

So must we also always come to terms with that which the Lord gives us for the season! We must allow our appetites to stay through with that which the Lord gives us per time.

This principle applies in all areas of our lives. Whether its in the car we ride or the house in which we live. We must know that the Lord is in charge of our lives and therefore come into rest. James says wherefore cometh wars and ....among you? And then he rightly concluded that its from our lusts to have things that we do not already have.

Lusts arise when we begin to desire that which is against divine order. That is the Divine order for our own lives. Oh God! What debts would we have avoided! What unnecessary heart problems would  we have escaped! What troubles would we have averted! Only if we had been content with that which the Lord supplies to us for the season.

Someone may then ask, how then do I move to the next level? My answer is that the Lord knows that time and the next level and He will open the doors for us to enter into the next season of our lives.

We will not have to struggle and fight for it, He will usher us in. He will indicate where the door is and if there is an enemy over that possession He will give us the strategy to dethrone that adversary.

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focusing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

Friday, 3 June 2011

"give us this day, our daily bread"...5

                                                         The Spirit-Life Coach
Premised on the principles of faith and Divine provisions as seen in the Sabbath Days we intend to launch into the deep as it relates to our rest in the God who is more than enough for our needs. We look into His heart full of love for us and into His hands full of works done to meet our needs. For He said “touch my hands and see the holes in there”. The holes came because He would provide for us…because of this we can look to Him and say…’give us this day, our daily bread’…and then go rest…knowing that those hands have gone to work…on our behalf.

                                            'GIVE US THIS DAY,OUR DAILY BREAD..'!..5

Exo 16:15  And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat.
Exo 16:16  This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents.
Exo 16:17  And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less.
Exo 16:18  And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating.

The Lord gave them manna. The Lord rained it down upon them from heaven. He also gave them the rules bordering on this divine provision “Let everyone take just what is enough for him or her according to their families”. In other words Jehovah told them not to gather for storage. They were specifically commanded not to leave of it until the next day.

Here we see once more the will of God relating to our financial prosperity and the supply of our needs. It’s always one issue per-time. We see the Lord here seeking to destroy one of the firmest bases for poverty in our lives. It is the stronghold which spells s.c.a.r.c.i.t.y. The mentality of scarcity is the real demon behind the love of money. It is the reason why leaders steal. It is the reason why workers are dishonest to their bosses and to the companies they work for. It is the reason why armed robbers kill and deprive people of their possessions. All men have this mindset that what is most needed is never enough to go round, so we all scramble for the “scarce resources”.

Even when it goes round sometimes, we still secretly nurse the fear that ‘it will soon finish’. So we plan to hide away as much as we can! Some hide so much that what they have hidden away may last for two or three generations. That was the stronghold that took hold of Achan’s mind. He hid away some of the treasures of Jericho but that action eventually destroyed him and his family.

God does not want His children to be bound by this enemy of man. God is a large God who gives us all things freely to enjoy. He is an abundant God who gives us all and what we need. His own economy is built on the reality of His abundant provisions while the economy of man in every nation of the world is built on the management “of scarce resources”.

The concept of the management of scarce resources is one of the reasons we have poor and rich fellows in society.  God wants us to basically look on Him for our sustenance and to be satisfied with what He gives. But when our fears get in the way and we begin to do a lot of things in order to help ourselves out we end up making a mess of God’s plan for our lives. (Please note that I’m not here saying believers should not work but must stay in their homes waiting for manna from heaven, kindly follow the teachings through please).

Now, what God wants to do is for us to face our fears. You don’t overcome when you don’t face your fears. Life arranges the needs but God requires us for us to do contrary to what the sons of this world would do so that He could meet our needs. He wants us to trust Him without reservations.

If we must overcome lack and poverty we must confront our fears of poverty. The richest man is not one who has billions in his bank account, the richest man is one who has God as His banker and one who cashes out currency from the vaults of heaven.

The truth is that when the Lord returns, He is going to change the foundations of human knowledge which governs the human society today. The principles of personal, national and international economics will be totally altered. This is why I believe the Lord wants us to begin to learn the principle of depending on the Lord and being care-free about tomorrow.

The Lord says not to worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of the things of itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.

We shall not just jump into the millennium. The church will walk with God until we come into the millennium of Christ. The BRIDE MUST MAKE HERSELF READY, then Jesus Christ will come. He won’t come before we are ready, He will come at the instance of our readiness.. One of the ways in which we make ourselves ready is by overcoming the fear of poverty. It is by overcoming the fear of scarcity.

When man fell, he came into duality. The concept of duality invaded the mind and spirit of man and the world. The concept of duality allowed for no absolutes based on the Divine command and desires. The governance of man became fashioned by what he thought out to be good or to be evil. It must be of man. It must be good to us if it must be good at all.

That has been the basis of our education from birth till death. Scarcity and its management has been one of the results of our thinking. Our cunning or wise thinking is known as philosophy. The title PhD means Doctor of Philosophy. This title is given to men who give themselves to research and who think on the problems of the human society and who proffer solutions to them. They are our best minds in all areas of human endeavor.  They were the ones who established and institutionalised the concept of scarcity of resources into the consciousness of the human society. they were not the ones who originated it, but they made it into a religion.

As fallen men themselves they are controlled by the passions and limitations of all men. The best result they may get is one which is primary to all men who hold the nature of fallen Adam. They cannot see behind the veil. They cannot understand the principles of our Kingdom. The best they can do is dress the corpse and perfume its body, they cannot give life. They do not have life.

God does not want us to be governed by these reasoning of men. “Look at the grass of the field, I tell you even Solomon is not as well clothed as even one of them. Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow nor reap, neither do they store anything up for tomorrow and yet your heavenly Father provides for them. Are you not worth much more than these?....why then do you take thoughts in your hearts saying; what shall we eat and what shall we drink and how are we going to get clothed”? If that’s what we indulge in, the Lord calls us persons of little faith.


THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, christcollege07@yahoo.co.uk or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.
