Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Sealed with Seven Seals 1

Our present study is an attempt to bring to my readers an understanding of the final preparation of the Bride of Christ which are the hidden truth in the book of Revelation. 

                                                         SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS 1

There has been some sort of decision making going on in my mind since we finished the last subject on the SPIRIT-LIFE COACH. I refer to the one titled “give us this day our daily bread”. I’d been thinking on what next we are going to be studying or rather that I shall be writing upon. Two major themes were going on in my mind. They are “Water, Spirit and Fire” and , “Sealed with Seven Seals”. Water Spirit and Fire is a fantastic revelation that speaks of the three major baptisms that this earth, the world and in fact the believer would have to go through in order for us to come into a state of perfect cleansing, an administration which would usher in the return of our Lord. It is premised on the baptism of water, the baptism of the Spirit and the baptism of fire. It is a fantastic message which I itch to minister about. But then as I awoke this very early morning (2 a.m Nigerian time July 6th, 2011)I knew I would not be writing on that topic. I knew I should be writing on the topic “Sealed with Seven Seals”.

This topic is the major theme of the book of Revelation. You know the book in the original Greek is called apocalupsis. It is from this word that we have the word apocalyptic. We can safely say the book is filled with apocalyptic events. Don’t let that word throw you, it only and simply means, “Revelation”. It is a book given to REVEAL and UNVEIL the Lord of Lord and King of Kings and His Bride and the process of how He will bring her into rule in His coming Kingdom.

I have been preaching for very well close to twenty three years now. One of the rules that I have is the ability to know topics in the word of God that I am uncomfortable with relating to my ability to teach fairly deeply and simply on. The subject of the book of Revelation was not one of such that I knew I was incapable of instructing people on. And for many years I have avoided it. Even in our bible schools I had only given them to ‘the specialists’. That is those who know about how the anti-Christ would come and who would be his father and what skin color he would likely come in! lol. So I avoided the book like a plaque.

But then I knew the book was very important. So I made sure the students were taught but not by me! I was also pretty confused about mid, post or pre millennial tribulation and whether it would meet us in the earth or not. Summarily, I contracted it out.

But then way back in 1999 I had an encounter with the Lord which began to prepare my heart for the understanding of this great book. I won’t be able to share the subject of my encounter with the Lord here so it won’t take us off the course of our discourse. Suffice it for us to know that what I began to gather eventually led me to a gradual but sure understanding of the book. And then I began to know that the book of revelation is not and will never be about the revelation of the anti-Christ but about the revelation of the CHRIST IN US THE HOPE OF GLORY!

It was a new dawn. Light came. And with the coming in of that light came great understanding. I no longer dread the book. I now know it is in fact the final and complete revelation of the preparation of the Bride of Christ for His coming. And of the events that will take place in HIS BRIDE and in the earth prior to His coming.


You cannot begin to talk about a revelation except a matter has previously been concealed. You cannot begin to talk about an unveiling except a thing had previously been veiled.
So why is the book called THE REVELATION? It is because it answered the question and quest for the end and final purpose of God for Mankind. In it the quest that was started in man from the very beginning was brought into the manifestation through this revelation of Christ.

For you to understand this topic you have to know the heart and the passions of the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to understand that they didn’t seek what today has become the very heart and drive of our pursuits. They knew that Christ came for a Kingdom and they were interested in when that Kingdom would come. They were interested in when that Kingdom would begin to rule in the earth. You also have to know that those men had a passion for Jesus (and not for things) that is so unusual in our world today. You also have to know that those men didn’t care a bit for who made the most dollars or who had the best car in the neighborhood. Their passion was their Lord. This is the spirit you have to have if you must understand this book. If you do not have this spirit all you will ever see here will be the devil and anti Christ and pre, mid or post tribulation rapture which “I am sorry to say” (a regular expression in my country) has nothing to do with the main thrust of the book. You would be like a man who was invited to dinner but who never ate the food but who was rather preoccupied by how nice the furniture he sat upon is. He never eats the food. It’s there hidden in plain sight but he doesn’t even know it.

THE SPIRIT-LIFE COACH IS A " NOW WORD" from the Spirit of God sent to believers to facilitate our coming into the present glory.
For more information about past messages in the series, counsel or prayer requests, you may e-mail: Pastor Dele Matthews, or call 2348028783451, or 2347066668066
Pastor Dele Matthews is Senior Minister, Restoration Ministries and Dean of Studies, Christ College- a Word School set up for the Spiritual Growth of ALL Christians, focussing on bringing the believer into the fullness of Christ.

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